Sponsor – Mrs Purviz Shroff, MH


For dedicating a lifetime of community service in Hong Kong…

Mr. and Mrs. Rusy Shroff have donated multimillion-dollar sums to services for the elderly, youth, children, chronic patients, people with disability and underprivileged communities in Hong Kong, China, India and throughout the world.  Their efforts sustain and reinforce the lasting philanthropic values of the Ruttonjees, a Parsee family who left India in 1884 to make Hong Kong their home. 

Mr. Rusy Shroff was Chairman of The Hong Kong Tuberculosis, Chest and Heart Diseases Association from 1983 to 2000 for a continuous period of 17 years during which the Ruttonjee Sanatorium was re-developed into the present-day Ruttonjee Hospital.  Mr. Shroff lived most of his life in Hong Kong, and he always regarded Hong Kong as his home.

Mrs Purviz Shorff support numerous charitable activities in Hong Kong. She is popularly known as Hong Kong’s Mother Teresa. Additionally, Mrs. Shroff has been an ambassador of Indian culture in Hong Kong as she is one of the main sponsors of several cultural activities in Hong Kong, including Indian classical music, dance, film, literature, and drama. She has been our main sponsor for Hong Kong Guide since its inception in 2019.

Thank you!

We love you Aunty Ji.

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